Monday, June 1, 2009

Did You Know.......MARK 10:25


In my attempt to search the real interpretation of the bible, a few years ago, I joined an online bible study that inteprets the bible with the real Greek meanings, verse by verse. I received this study part last March, and feel like I should share it, since it really intrigued me and made it a little more clear.

Mt 10:23-31 How hardly shall they that have riches. For notes on the Lord's words concerning riches, see Mt 19:23-30. Compare Lu 18:24-30. Mark adds one sentence that furnishes the key to the interpretation of the whole discourse: How hard it is for them that 'trust' in riches, etc. (Mr 10:24).

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
10:23-31 Christ took this occasion to speak to his disciples about the difficulty of the salvation of those who have abundance of this world. Those who thus eagerly seek the wealth of the world, will never rightly prize Christ and his grace. Also, as to the greatness of the salvation of those who have but little of this world, and leave it for Christ. The greatest trial of a good man's constancy is, when love to Jesus calls him to give up love to friends and relatives. Even when gainers by Christ, let them still expect to suffer for him, till they reach heaven. Let us learn contentment in a low state, and to watch against the love of riches in a high one. Let us pray to be enabled to part with all, if required, in Christ's service, and to use all we are allowed to keep in his service.

This verse has been misunderstood by many people throughout history. Many even falsely believe that being successful is a sin. Well, they could not be further from the truth, for it is written; Beloved,I pray that you may prosper and that all may go well with, you, even as your soul prospers. ( 3 John 2 )

Now, what Jesus was referring to in the top verse was a person who loved their money more than they loved their Heavenly Father. For you see in Jesus' time, just as today, many people were very unscrupulous, and their money came from ill-gotten gain! After all it is written; For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced them-selves through with many sorrows. ( 1 Timothy 6:10 )

'Eye of the Needle'
The other thing people often do not understand is the "Eye of the Needle." Also in Jesus' time all villages were surrounded by a wall for protection from their enemies. So each village had a main gate that was open only in the daytime, and a small side gate for night entry. This small gate was called the "needle," and when open it was not very high.. Now those with stolen goods would try to sneak them into town at night through this small side gate (the eye). One problem they had was a camel could not walk through this small gate with a full load on its back, so the load often had to be removed. Then the poor camel would still have to walk on its knees to enter through the gate. Not an easy task to say the least, especially for the poor camel!

How wonderful it is to know that God is not biased, He is a just God.

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